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56 Abducted Farmers Released Without Ransom in Niger State After 6 Months In Captivity

56 farmers who were abducted by armed bandits in Adunu village and nearby areas of Paikoro Local Government Area in Niger State have been released after approximately six months in captivity. Despite earlier threats by the bandits to kill the captives if a ransom was not paid, the release occurred without any ransom being paid. Family members and loved ones are expressing gratitude for the unexpected release and attributing it to divine intervention.

The farmers were kidnapped on March 14, 2023, and remained captive due to the inability to raise the required ransom amount. Beatrice, a relative of one of the victims, expressed gratitude for their release and thanked God for their safety.

Confirming the news, Rev. Fr. Bahago Dauda Musa, the Coordinator of Justice, Development and Peace Commission of the Catholic Diocese of Minna, verified that the released victims were indeed free. He emphasized that the returning captives would require mental health support to cope with the emotional trauma endured during their captivity.

Rev. Fr. Bahago Dauda Musa highlighted the challenging experiences of the victims, many of whom were kidnapped or had loved ones kidnapped. He stressed that post-traumatic disorders were significantly impacting their mental health and urged urgent attention and rehabilitation.

Rev. Fr. Bahago Dauda Musa appealed to the Governor Bago-led administration and health professionals to provide assistance to the victims, addressing their mental health needs and helping them recover from the traumatic experiences they endured after their abductions.

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